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Therefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things have become new. ~ (2 Corinthians 5:17)
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When we have received Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour, we begin to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. It is important to emphasize here that we do not work for salvation, but do need to work it out once we are saved. The Holy Spirit enables us to do this, with our cooperation. Some believe that receiving Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour is all that is required to make it to Heaven and have eternal life, regardless of the lifestyle one chooses to live; but the truth is that all does not end with the short prayer of salvation. Making a decision to surrender your life is the starting point of your blissful relationship with God. While it is true that Jesus Christ will never turn His back on those who believe in, and receive Him, it is possible to lose our salvation when we do the turning back ourselves and reject His Lordship. This is why He said not all who say they believe in Him will make it to Heaven, unless they do the will of the Father (Matthew 7:21-24).
It takes some time to get to a point where we deny Jesus Christ altogether and directly or indirectly depart from Him, but it is possible. The Bible speaks of it as, "A dog turning back to its own vomit" (2 Peter 2:20-22). Gladly, the Lord is always waiting to have us in His loving arms when we repent and find our way back to Him like the prodigal son (See Luke 15:11-32).
Certain things are required to work out your salvation. What are they?
(i) Forgive Yourself - You are now a new creature in Christ. Believe that God loves you. He has shown His love by giving up His only Son to die in lieu of punishment for your sins, and as sacrifice for all you have done wrong.
Therefore, if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things
have become new. ~ (2 Corinthians 5:17)
Old things in the verse above are the sinful passions and desires that we once had. Our enslavement to them is broken when we are born again. We are no longer our own, but the temple of the Holy Spirit. He dwells within us.
(ii) Commit to a Lifestyle of Total Repentance and Holiness - Repentance is the decision to turn away from sin, live right, and fully obey God. Once you are determined to live a lifestyle that is pleasing to the Lord, all things will start falling into place. The Holy Spirit will help you run the Christian race with zeal.
(iii) Get a Bible and Spend Time with God - Spend time with God each day. It may not be for a long period of time, initially. But as you grow spiritually, you will find that the time you spend with Him gets longer. Develop the habit of praying to Him at all times, and read your Bible daily. You can make use of a Bible online for now if you don't have one yet. Visit our pages, Read the Bible Online and Listen to the Bible, for links to Online Bibles in many languages.
(iv) Find a Bible-Believing Church or Assembly - It is imperative that you are fed with the undiluted Word of God and sound doctrine, so that you can grow in Christ. Find a local church or assembly, where you can worship and grow spiritually.
(v) Seek fellowship with other followers of Jesus Christ - Associate with other believers, who will answer other questions you may have and support you on your Christian journey.
(vi) Get baptized in accordance with the New Testament - Get baptized by immersion in water as modeled by Jesus Christ (Matthew 3:13-17), and commanded (Matthew 28:19). Through baptism, we identify with His death and resurrection. Baptism also signifies the death and burial of our sinful nature, and our resurrection as forgiven Christians through faith in Jesus Christ (Colossians 2:12-13). Water Baptism is a public testimony that should be preceded by repentance. At the time of baptism, we stand before witnesses to confess our identification with the Lord. Being baptized also means that we are placing our selfishness, pride, past, and all of our possessions before the Lord. The Pastor/Spiritual Leader at your local church or assembly will touch more on the subject of Baptism.
(vii) Be a Faithful Witness for the Lord - Tell others about your new faith in Jesus Christ. Let them know about His saving grace and the importance of salvation. Refer to our Evangelism Styles page for tips on becoming an effective witness for Jesus Christ.
Beginning Bible Reading Guide For New Believers
It is important that you read your Bible daily to be grounded in the teachings of Christ. Reading your Bible helps you live a victorious lifestyle as a Christian. In it also, you will find the promises of God to you, and so much more. The Bible helps you stand firm when the devil whispers his lies and tries to lure you back into sin and the life of misery that you have just escaped. You will also find out that the Bible is a powerful weapon that every victorious believer holds on to, which is why it is called The Sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:17).
Here is a suggested order of reading for a new believer who needs to start to read and understand the Bible. There are 66 Books in the Holy Bible to be covered, but this plan will get you started:
The Gospel of John
The Gospel of Matthew
The Gospel of Mark
I John
II John
III John
The Gospel of Luke
I Corinthians
II Corinthians
An important point about studying the Bible is never to be in a hurry. The Lord gives spiritual knowledge through the Holy Spirit. Remember that the Holy Spirit began to dwell within you when you surrendered your life to Jesus Christ. Pray to the Lord for understanding, and then meditate on what you have read.
The other thing not to do as you begin the Christian Race is to analyze the Word of God. The Holy Bible (which is the Word of God) is what it is. It cannot be modified in any way, shape, or form. There are certain concepts that you may not be able to comprehend at first. Again, speak to the Lord about them. He will give you understanding. As time goes on, what you read will begin to make sense and bring great benefits to you.
Firmly in His Grip,
Deborah O Daniel (Toyin)