Fair-Weather Friends of God
Some believers would rather have God perform mighty miracles than crave to know Him and take their relationship with Him to a higher level. They proclaim Christ as Lord and seem to be doing the right things, but seldom move beyond this point. They hop from church to church, attend all manner of events, seek out prayer warriors, and shop around for prophets and prophetesses, all to experience the miraculous. They forget that the Lord is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34, Romans 2:11), and that the most important thing to Him is the depth of our personal relationship with Him. In their pursuit of The Miraculous, they sometimes run into unscrupulous anointed folks, who claim to be what they are not.
Some also want to be known for doing exploits in the Name of the Lord but are not desirous of being His friend. When He tests their faith and things are not quite going well (by their own limited understanding), they are gone! They disappear from His presence and go back to the world.
A friend loves you in good and tough times, not just for what he gets from you.
Abraham was very loyal and dedicated to God. In fact, the Bible refers to him as The Friend of God (James 2:23). God Himself, called Abraham His Friend (Isaiah 41:8). Are you intimate with God? Are you loyal to Him? Can He count on you to still be there when things are not well with you (by your own human understanding)? When it seems things are not going well, and you get tired of waiting on God, do you seek the hand of his enemy, satan in friendship for a quick solution to the issue at hand? Do you seek help from demonic helpers, whose ultimate agenda is to lure you into the snares of their master?
Take steps to deepen your relationship with God and see Him do wonders in your life. Quit running helter-skelter, searching for what was not missing in the first place. You can also have your prayers answered and experience God’s touch on all that concerns you. He is not interested in knowing how long you have been in Christ, or your role in a church to do wonders in your life for His glory, as long as He sees that you desire to have a deeper relationship with Him, with every fibre of your being.
Make it a point to spend quality time with God and seek intimacy with Him on a personal level. If you draw close to Him, He will show Himself mighty in your life as well.
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