Godly Friendships
Reflection: 2 Corinthians 6:14-16
If you are a new believer, let it be known that many of the friends you had prior to your new life, were not really your friends. They will disappear with time (if they haven’t already), now that you are a new creature, for obvious reasons: you cannot do certain things with them anymore, go to places with them, and grant their ungodly requests.
Now that you are born-again, other followers of Christ around you are your true friends. You have a divine connection with them. Your destiny is tied to your godly friends - so to speak. They are citizens of the Kingdom of God, moving in the same direction as you are, and going to Heaven with you. You do things alike, have similar views, and tend to have the same desires in life. They are glad when things are going well for you, and remain true, even when things are not going so well.
When I was still in the world, many years ago, I had numerous friends. Thinking about it now, the manner I made friends all over the place was bizarre. Unlike my siblings, I had no set boundaries when it came to making friends. I could roll with anyone on earth and be cool with it. I didn’t care who the person was or their background. My younger brothers of blessed memory were worried about me at the time, and would always wonder - "Who is this new friend, again"? They would devise strategies to keep some of the friends they thought weren’t good for me, away. I can tell you now, that my destruction was imminent at some point, but for God. I can also tell you that I was more on the giving side in those friendships. Those friends gave me nothing in return, other than deceit, backstabbing, betrayal, envy, and jealousy. Some led me astray and got me into trouble, many times. Some also took advantage of me. But I enjoyed having them around because I thought they were fun to be with, in spite of everything. When I surrendered my life to Christ completely, I lost those friends (besides the ones that found Christ as well) and gained valuable ones. Cherish your godly friends, and thank God for their lives, beloved!
Deborah O Daniel (Toyin) << Back to Topics