Not every opportunity is a blessing!
Years ago, back in my country of descent – Nigeria, I was occupying a powerful and enviable position that entailed relating with very important persons in the country. I would say I got the job on a silver platter: No interviews, no presentations; nothing! I just received a phone call to start work, and that was it. What a blessing! I thought, until I started getting death threat calls from certain people that were either eyeing the position, or thought I knew too much. "We are going to assassinate you. We are going to chop off your head," they said. These were no idle threats.
A top minister and other government officials that I was connected to at the time started their investigation, but got no leads. So, the case was closed. I was also not on good terms with my self-absorbed parents and siblings - which meant I had absolutely no emotional support from anyone. I then gave up my job, all the benefits that came with it, and fled back to the United Kingdom because I was in deep fear. I come from a large family with numerous relatives here and there. I also had so many friends (at the time); but I can tell you now that only one person knew where I was hiding out - my close cousin, Mustafa; and this was because I had no choice, since he was living in London at the time. He was quite supportive, but after a while, even he, didn't know my whereabouts - I made sure of that.
I was sleeping and waking up with panic attacks. It was that bad! There was also the fear of starting life all over again - the fear of failure, as I had nothing to my name at the time and was not in touch with anyone. I kept running for dear life like Elijah did in the Book of 1 Kings, Chapter 19, until I ran into my destiny. God had great plans for me. He gave me a fresh start after I left all that I thought I had behind. Not only did He give me good and perfect gifts, but glorious things have been happening since my Running Days. Romans 8:28 assures believers that all things (even instances of adversity) will work in our favour.
If you are living in fear like I was, there is a solution to that problem. Get to meet my best friend, Christ Jesus. Make a decision to receive Him as your personal Lord and Saviour today. Your life will never be the same!
Firmly in His Grip,
Deborah O Daniel (Toyin)