Living Up to Your God-given Potential
Did you know, beloved? The Lord wants the best for us. He loves to see us advance to greater heights for His glory. He makes our feet like those of a deer and sets us on high places (Psalm 18:33). A deer is known to have very strong legs that move with great speed. Swiftness is necessary to succeed in anything we do, and to be steps ahead of the enemy. The Lord wants us to climb higher in Him as a deer climbs the mountain to reach the top. He is happy to empower us to reach the top by bestowing upon us the Spirit of Excellence, amongst other gifts.
The Lord also wants us to soar like eagles (Isaiah 40:31). Eagles do not mix with other birds. They fly alone at high altitudes and see from a long distance to spot their enemies and prey. They can see farther than other birds.
Five things could hinder us from living up to our God-given potentials. They are Disobedience, Unbelief, Self-Reliance, Pride, and Laziness. Once these traits are eliminated, take a step of faith. The Lord will see to it that you prosper in whatever you do. While you are at it, avoid any form of negativity like the plague. Stay away from people who discourage you, put you down, and never see anything good in you. Love them from a distance and wish them well - do this with caution and wisdom.
Stay focused, beloved! If you find yourself aimlessly hanging around too many people, then it’s time to reevaluate your situation, as this can be a huge distraction. Likewise, indiscriminately involving just about everyone in your endeavours. Learn to be by yourself sometimes - this will give you the opportunity to spend quality time alone with the Lord to hear from Him on a consistent basis. May we be guided.
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