The Work of God is Not a Career
There is a difference between a Professional Calling (also known as a vocation, career, passion, working for others, serving others by choice - secular), and a Spiritual Calling (working for God, dedicating your life to serve God and others – ministerial). Both can be said to be to the glory of God, albeit different. Everyone is called to work in some capacity, for a living (2 Thessalonians 3:10, Colossians 3:23), but not everyone is called to work for God. You will most likely need to have a talent and/or acquired skills to work for others, but must have been given one or more spiritual gifts to work for God. While skills and/or talents are needed for a career, they may or may not be instrumental in fulfilling a Spiritual Calling, as the driving force to fulfil this calling is beyond physical. We are also at liberty to choose and switch careers at will - it is not so with the work of God; we are chosen.
Clearly, the work of God is not a career; neither do we retire from doing it, since it is assigned by Him. Are you wondering why Moses waxed strong and didn't retire till he died at the age of 120? He worked following God’s leading. Moses did not pursue his own plans. He did not rely on his own strength, either. Once we start seeing the work of God as a career, we are bound to find ourselves scheming and devising strategies to succeed, only this time we are on our own, unknowingly working for ourselves. At that point God is no longer our source - He already vacated the ministry for us to do our own thing.
We see ads and invitations all the time: 'Learn to be a Pastor'; 'Become a Pastor, Today'; 'School of Prophecy - Enrol'; 'Prophecy Training’; 'How to Start a Church', 'Learn to Speak in Tongues', and just wonder. How does a person pay or learn to assume an office they are not specifically called to? Everything has been so commercialised. These institutions are thriving because, many who say they were called, and claim to be serving under the authority of Christ want to run their own show. First, not everyone is called to be a pastor, for example. Not everyone is a gifted prophet. You don't just wake up one morning and decide you want to be one, unless of course you have a hidden agenda. You need to be called and spiritually equipped by God Himself for the office. Then, it is Jesus Christ who governs the Church through revelation to certain chosen persons, by the Holy Spirit. Not even a magnificent building with its state-of-the-art equipment and eloquent speakers is fit to be a church, except the one that is under the authority of Christ.
The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor riches to the intelligent, nor favour to those with knowledge. The Lord does not delight in the strength of the horse. He takes no pleasure in the legs of a man (Psalm 147:10) and has no regard for those who are wise of heart (Job 37:24). May we take heed to ourselves.
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