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"What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; and what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the housetops." ~ Matthew 10:27

Deborah O Daniel (Toyin) is an Evangelist and a Christian Writer. She grew up in a strict, religiously confused household, but found Christ on her own, when it became clear to her that she had no relationship whatsoever with Him and had no purpose in life, in spite of her upbringing. Deborah surrendered her life to Christ in 1992 but kept running from her calling owing to the severe trials she faced and the cares of the world, until she had a personal encounter with Him years later. She steps out of her comfort zone as led to fulfil her calling. She also speaks openly about her childhood difficulties and the struggles she has had in life, to testify of the mercy of God and His awesome power. For more messages and a heart talk on living a fulfilled life in Christ, get the book, Walk the Winning Walk (English-British and English-American) here, offered for free by Divine Literature International, and available to Born-again Christians ONLY - particularly new believers.

This Blog is written in Standard British English for the benefit of international visitors. Style of Writing is casual and conversational!

Who Dictates Your Day?

Writer's picture: Deborah Toyin DanielDeborah Toyin Daniel

Reflection: Deuteronomy 18:10-14, 2 Corinthians 11:14-15, Isaiah 8:19


The Bible cautions us against living by the counsel of the ungodly (Psalm 1:6). If you claim to be a true child of God, but still depend on palm readers, psychics, astrologers, crystal ball readers, tarot card readers, sorcerers, Ouija boards, ungodly prophets/prophetesses, witchcraft, and occult practices to survive the day and live life, you need to pick up your Bible again.


Perhaps you have not been told by anyone that seeking information from these sources is an idolatrous act and detestable to God (Exodus 20:3, Deuteronomy 18:10-14, Leviticus 19:31). They are all empowered by satan. They may appear to be helpful and harmless (2 Corinthians 11:14-15, Acts 16:16-18), but know now that, information obtained from them is sourced from other gods and demonic spirits. Consider them, emissaries assigned by satan to pull his targets farther away from God. Their goal is to control and ultimately lead a person to the path of destruction. Speaking of which, you need to ask yourself how possible it is that satan wants the best for you, a human created in the image of God. All humans are intensely disliked by satan. He is incapable of loving anything good. His emissaries have no relationship with God, want nothing to do with Him, and should have no business whatsoever peeping into your destiny to dictate your journey in life.


Astrology, daily horoscope reading, or zodiac signs prediction, which many people believe are harmless or safe enough to live by as a child of God, are forms of divination. These are forbidden and detestable to God, as well (Deuteronomy 18:10-14). Divination is the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown, by supernatural means. Seeking wisdom apart from God is an abomination to Him.


God is our Creator; He is our Possessor (Isaiah 44:24-15). Only He has the power to dictate the course of our lives. God guides the steps of the righteous (Psalm 25:12, Psalms 37:23). All we need to know about our future and His plans for us are in His Word. Take steps today to end your attachment to, and dependence on ungodly counsellors. Cut the cord! You are now a new creature; you belong to God. Why would you expose yourself to the works of darkness? Commit your ways to the Lord, from this day on, beloved (Psalm 37:5-6). Ask Him for wisdom if the need arises (James 1:5). Let your total dependence be on His Word for guidance in the journey of life (Psalm 119:105, 2 Timothy 3:16-17). Be blessed!


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